
Digital transformation in the furniture industry

In a world in which virtual meetings have become the new norm, digitalization is driving countless industries forward with incredible speed. Traditional approaches are coming under increasing pressure. Welcome to an age when the furniture and interior sector is experiencing a far-reaching transformation through CGI (computer-generated imagery), which is fundamentally changing product perception, marketing, and presentation. This signals the beginning of an exciting new era.

From analog to digital to virtual

A decade ago, photoshoots were held in carefully curated lofts or studios on a day when a small army of lighting designers, stylists, and photographers came together to put products that had been transported hundreds of miles in the best possible light. Since then, times have changed. The furniture industry is experiencing a quiet revolution, led by pioneers of CGI technology.

At sooii, we’ve been at the head of this movement for over eight years. We are dedicated to discovering the opportunities and potential of CGI so we can offer our clients innovative content production solutions. These solutions are not qualitatively different from classic photoshoots, but they open the door to completely new creative freedom—sustainably.

A new age of content production

The advantages of CGI cannot be ignored. Imagine being able to see any piece of furniture in any environment without ever leaving the house—from a hidden beach to a luxurious urban apartment. We are only limited by our imagination. With CGI, we can arrange space, light, and shadows to create breathtaking images that don’t just persuade, but inspire and stir emotions.

But this is about more than beauty and quality. In a world that increasingly values sustainability, CGI offers a way to reduce our ecological footprint. Eliminating on-site photoshoots means less travel, less consumption, and ultimately less carbon emissions. This is a critical step toward a more environmentally friendly environment.

Other significant advantages of virtual content production are its flexibility and scalability. The increasing importance of e-commerce and the rising demand for high-quality images present challenges particularly for premium and luxury brands. This creates a content gap that only the latest technology can bridge, as classic photography reaches its limits. CGI and the AI (artificial intelligence) tools of tomorrow can effectively close this gap. At sooii, we recognized this development early and are working on solutions to make future-oriented content production a reality.

Challenges and opportunities: 

The democratization of content production

Democratization through innovative technologies is an underestimated challenge, especially for premium and luxury brands. In the era of classic photography, brands could distinguish themselves from the competition through singular content. The interplay of client, agency, and photographer formed a harmonized dream team. But these days are long gone. Few agencies were prepared for this change and ended up missing a great opportunity for both themselves and their clients. Clients today are sometimes forced to choose the direct route, but this isn’t ideal. Brand content always requires a creative lead if it wants to remain individual and unique.

Now, almost any company that recognizes the possibilities of CGI and has a little money to spend can have high-quality content produced for them. It will come down to brands to use new technologies or bring them to a new level if they want to create unique brand worlds for their customers and prove themselves to be a cut above the rest.

Looking to the future

The message is clear: The future of the furniture and interior sector lies in the digital revolution. Through strategic use of CGI and AI, premium companies are not only able to boost their efficiency and creativity; they can differentiate their brands. It’s time to seize the strategic opportunities of the digital transformation.

The world is changing. Welcome to the future of virtual content production.

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