Welcome to the Luxury Business Day, the leading industry event for the premium and luxury sector! Join us as 100 entrepreneurs and top executives from the world of luxury come together to share forward-thinking trends and strategies. Open to startups and investors as well. Get ready to join the community.

Luxury Business Day International

The Luxury Business Day is expanding to new cities such as Zurich, Vienna and Palma de Mallorca. There, too, the conference offers visionary keynotes, best practice sharing, stimulating panel discussions and intensive networking. This year, hear how new technologies, sustainability and artificial intelligence are transforming the industry. Experience a day full of inspiration, impulses and success stories and become part of the LBD community.

Participation in the LBD is by invitation or recommendation, only a few tickets go on sale.


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Der Luxury Business Day 2024 widmete sich der Zukunft des Luxus. Wir begrüßten  100 Gäste aus den Bereichen Automotive, Yachting, Fashion, Fine Jewellery, Living, Hospitalty und Travel. Mit innovativen Business Cases, Erkenntnissen aus der Neuroscience, Themen wie Gaming und Virtual Content Creation haben wir unsere Gäste informiert, inspiriert und neue Verbindungen geschaffen. Seien Sie 2025 dabei und fördern Sie als Partner oder Teilnehmer ihre eigene Geschäfts-entwicklung. Die Zukunft des Luxus entscheidet sich beim LBD.