
APURE – Feel the Light

Uli Petzold encourages people around him to consciously look up at the ceiling more often, wherever they are. “Most of them quickly recognize that there are too many light sources that either blind us or simply cast diffuse light. They hinder our sense of comfort, even when we’re not consciously aware of it.” This is one of the key observations made by light visionary Petzold. “Especially in everyday situations, we are often exposed to the harsh glare of conventional lights.” With his products, Petzold takes a clear stand against this kind of light pollution.

Founded in 2013 in Miami, Apure approaches lighting design as both an art and a science. In practical terms, the lighting designers set exact technical parameters for interior lighting; in the next step, they turn it into a choreography of light and shadow. They let light shine where it’s needed and withhold it where darkness should set an atmospheric mood.

To realize this vision of first-class, healthy lighting, the Petzold team collaborated with the studio F. A. Porsche to create products that are nearly invisible in interior spaces. More than other series, the lights of the Minus series are truly minimalistic, only perceivable as 10 mm light points that nevertheless powerfully light up a room. “People start feeling at ease in a room once light sources are no longer recognized as such,” says light philosopher Petzold, sharing one of his maxims. 

Apure has long been considered the industry apex in North America. Tech companies, developers, and renowned architects like Richard Meier in New York, Foster & Partners in London, and the office of Zaha Hadid have all relied on the perfection Apure delivers. Demand for light art is also increasing, coming from private individuals for their building projects. 

The first European flagship showroom was recently opened in Palma de Mallorca. With the satellite showroom in Frankfurt, Uli Petzold has now brought his work to Germany, and to the city of his birth, where he first saw the light of day.

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